Waterblocking (Swellable) soft Yarn


Spinning swellable soft yarns,  spinning swellable cords and ropes for cable market



Spun Swellable Yarns


Fiber Optical Cables

20.000 Nm -  5.000 Nm

(500 Dtex - 2000 Dtex )


Swellable Yarns


Power & Energy Cables

5.000 Nm -  160 Nm

(2000 Dtex -  65.000 Dtex)


Swellable Filler Cords or Ropes


Power & Energy Cables

10 mm – 30 mm

( 65.000 Dtex -  250.000 Dtex )


The SPUN YARNS  is a cost effective and lightweight solution for Optical Cables manufacturers. SPUN YARNS are supplied in Bobbins or Cones, in different sizes to adapt to manufacturing requirements.  They are easy to onward  process, require fewer in-line stops and can be wrapped around Cable in a helically way  or placed along the  length of the cable in voids vulnerable to water ingress. They are also suitable for smaller spaces where other  ” dry ” technologies are often too bulky or subject to dust.

The Swellable Yarns and Swellable Filler Cords and Ropes are ideal for Power Cables. Water can get into a damaged cable. A Swellable Yarn Swellable Filler Cord incorporated into a cable will rapidly absorb water at the point of damage and swell to form a water impermeable barrier, blocking any further water ingress.


The advantages of using Super Absorbent Fibre (SAF™) spun yarns, swellable yarns and cords:

• Improved super absorbent distribution and performance;

• Rapid absorption;

• Control of absorption and swelling rate via SAF ™ grade and fibre blend;

• Possibility of combination with cable strengthening materials;

• One yarn type can be used in different types of cable;

• Easier application;

• Resistance to thermal degradation;

• Cables with lighter weight;

• Cost-effective solution for protection of the whole cable.


An independent report has shown that using SAF ™ spun yarns:
• Reduces waterblocking raw material costs by 35% when used throughout the whole cable;
• Have a large impact on cable weights, with reductions of approxımately 90%  compared to using tape or compound. This significantly reduces logistic and application costs;
• Save up to 90% on application costs compared to preparing a ‘wet’ filled cable end.