Rope, Cord, Shoelace Textile Braiding Machine






Gurfil offers wide range of Textile Braiding Machines with many different configuration and specification options for different industries.


Products that can be produced by Gurfil braiding machines are as follows

  • Shoelace
  • Rope/Cord
  • Hose/Pipe
  • Fishing Line
  • Sleeve
  • Wire/Cable
  • Fancy and decorative textile products




Forms that can be produced by Gurfil Special Braiding Machines:

Round, Square, Flat, Zigzag, Elastic, Twisted


Materials that can be used for braiding:

Metallic wires, Fiber Yarns (Cotton, Fiberglass, Polyester and Carbon), Elastic material


Spindle quantity: From 2 spindle up to 140 spindle




Braiding Machine, Rope Braiding